Lunch and Learn – Celebrating Community
November 5-6, 11:30 am

As the season of gratitude approaches, we reflect on the people we cherish—our family and friends, near and far.

Photo by Resident John Welander

Our Shared Values

While our community’s diversity, creativity, and constant growth are what keep us engaged and alive, it’s our shared values that ensure a deep and lasting bond between residents, leadership, and staff, and between Friendsview and the amazing Newberg community.

The integrity of the upright guides them.

Proverbs 11:3


Friendsview is committed to honesty and fairness; to being ethical, trustworthy and responsible for our actions. Upholding integrity in all our social and business relationships honors Christ as it advances truth and builds trust.


Friendsview is committed to sound management of the financial, human, and natural assets entrusted to its care. We recognize that successful stewardship is necessary to achieve our vision to be the best place to live and to work.

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.

Luke 16:10-11

Bear one another’s burdens and so you will fulfill the love of Christ.

Galatians 6:2


Friendsview is committed to imitating Christ’s compassion by treating each individual with loving kindness, tenderly bearing one another’s burdens and sharing one another’s joys.


Friendsview values each resident, team, and board member as a full member of our Quaker Continuing Care Retirement Community acknowledging the light of Christ in each person. All are invited to participate according to their ability and interest in enriching activities and services that contribute to vibrant and meaningful community life.

“As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

Joshua 24:15

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Colossians 3:17


Friendsview members live and work together intentionally to promote the physical, social, and spiritual well-being of each person. Our goal is to achieve the highest level of quality, to continually improve, and to glorify God.


Friendsview affirms the dignity and worth of all persons before God. We provide opportunities to maintain or improve one’s quality of life through activities that engage the mind and body, and through creative pursuits. We promote self-direction, freedom, and personal responsibility while submitting to authority and community.

Love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another showing honor.

Romans 12:10

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord.

Ephesians 6:7


Friendsview is committed to serving the needs of our members, enhancing their self-reliance and wellness, and to providing opportunities for meaningful contribution. As each member shares their gifts, they strengthen the community, finding joy in serving others.

Friends Heritage

Friendsview was founded by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends through the Board of Peace and Service in response to the need for a “Christ-centered Community” that would provide affordable housing and senior health care. Incorporated in 1958, it is deeply rooted in the Friends (Quaker) values that God is the source of all life, that life is sacred, and that Jesus Christ is actively present as Savior, Teacher, Lord, Healer, and Friend. That shared vision and Godly purpose continue today to serve as the foundation of this ministry.

You are my friends if you do what I command.

John 15:14